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Uli is teaching at:

Stanford University, Stanford, CA

- The Marc, Palo Alto, CA

- Various Corporations in Silicon Valley

- Privates

For more info please contact me via


In all my yoga classes I emphasize on Hatha and Vinyasa yoga.

Hatha means willful or forceful. Hatha yog refers to a set of physical exercise - known as asana or posture - and a sequence of asana, designed to align your skin, muscles and bones. It can be taught to a peak pose or towards a rounded practice. Proper breathing (pranayama) and meditation (dyna) help towards a sound and healthy body as well as a clear and peaceful mind. There are more than 200 Hatha yoga postures with many modifications and variations - all of which work the body and promote circulation in all organs, glands and tissues. Hatha yoga postures stretch and align the body, promoting balance, focus and flexibitility.

Vinyasa means movement between poses, accomplished by the rythme of the breath and the linkage of poses with repetitions. Poses are usually held for one breath transitions which can be extended to 3 or 5 holds. The breath is primary with minimum effort for a maximum result.

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